General notes on Image 6
- This is the image for September and the immigration reference is to Spain.
- This image is strongly linked to Verse 9 and to the casque that is thought to be buried in or near the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park in St. Augustine, Florida. (Note: the park itself is private property and includes certain archaeological zones where digging is restricted. If the casque is within the grounds of the park, it may be unrecoverable. See note at bottom of page.)
- The proposed solution for this casque is given on the Image 6 Verse 9 Solution page.

Specific Observations
Please record your notes about this image in the list below. Use the letter/number grid to identify the point on the image that you're describing. To keep things organized, 1) please start each observation with a letter/number combo (in bold), and 2) add new observations in the right place on the list to keep everything alphabetized.
- A4 - The symbol on the flag of a circle with a small square in the middle is very similar to the millstone in Image 10.
- D4/E4 - The number 38 appears twice below the figure, the lower being upside down.
- C8 - The flag ends in a snake.
- E4 - The jewel is a sapphire, the birth stone for September.
- F3 - There is an eagle face in the rock.
- G7 - There is what looks like the outline of a bird extending from the cheek to the chin in the profile.
- H4 - The rock appears to include the profile of a mask, similar to the mask in Image 7.
- H6 - There's a very clear "2" in the rock and possibly a "4" beside it. "24"? Or "two-by-four"?
- I5 - The three pieces here make up the eye of the alligator whose head forms the lower right edge of the rock.
- L3 - The flower is an aster, the birth flower for September. There are 9 flowers in all, also representing September.
- M3 to M5 - The green stalks may represent the "green picket fence" of Verse 9.
- M9 - The lowest palm branch on the left is missing all its leaves except those on the end
- N8 - The nostril bump of the alligator.
- N9 to O10 - The pointed, white rock in the lower right corner looks like an iceberg or the Rock of Gibraltar. It doesn't match any natural feature in Florida (which is almost completely flat) but it could be a reference to Castillo de San Marcos, which is surrounded by palm trees and can be seen from the shore across the river. The palm tree has pinnatifid leaves like a date palm and doesn't match any native Floridian palm. The palm also doesn't make any reflection in the water, even though the rock is seen there. These may all be references to the (slightly bizarre) state seal of Florida that was in use until it was revised in 1985.
- P10 - "JJP," the initials of the artist, John Jude Palencar.
Other Notes:
- The figure on horseback resembles Juan Ponce de León or one of the other Spanish conquistadors.
- There are many animals hidden in the stone, including (possibly) bull, owl, mouse (pocket gopher?), snake, lizard, pigeon, purple martin, sailfish, and shark. Some of those interpretations are probably wrong, but it seems likely that the art is meant to hint at the diverse wildlife in Florida.
- The first person to really investigate the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine and document the evidence connecting it to Image 6 was user "Stercox" on the Quest for Treasure forum. In a Q4T post on April 1, 2007 she laid out the basic case for the match to FOY and went through Verse 9 line-by-line. Her investigations got her to the Planetarium by the exit driveway, but she got stuck on the final few lines of the verse. The photos that Stercox provided to Q4T to document her search were posted on Webshots and (apparently) are no longer available there, but fortunately her FOY photo album was archived by the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
Image Matches
The negative space created to the right of the rock formation is a very strong match for the shape of the Florida peninsula. |
The fellow on horseback at the top is a stereotypical Spanish conquistador. He's wearing the stockings and red-striped "pumpkin pants" and matching puffed sleeves that are associated with such figures. The crested helmet he's wearing is called a morion.


The long, tapering flag carried by the explorer is an interesting match for the St. Johns River that flows north through eastern Florida and empties into the Atlantic at Jacksonville.
Alternately, the pattern of curves in the waving flag may be a better match for the Matanzas River, which flows northwards to meet the Tolomato River at the city of St. Augustine. The intersection of those two rivers is on the eastern side of the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park (often abbreviated as "FOY").
The circle/square symbol on the flag is obviously significant. It is a strong match for one of the architectural symbols used in a map on display at FOY. The four points may also be a match for the layout of the Castillo de San Marcos, which is also on the Matanzas and is located a few blocks directly south of FOY.
This pattern found in O-P/3-4 has some resemblance to a map depicting Sir Francis Drake's attack on St. Augustine in 1586, which is the oldest item in the State Archives of Florida. |
The numbers 2 and 4 are positioned side-by-side in the drawing. Unlike most numbers in the images, these do not appear to be hints at latitude or longitude.
One plausible interpretation that has been proposed is that this is a rebus of "two-by-four," in reference to a board used in the "green picket fence."
This could also be a reference to the arrival of Ponce de León who supposedly first sighted the area and named it "La Florida" on April 2 (4/2) in 1513.
The blue blob in the upper right corner has been interpreted as either a purple martin or a primitive stone knife. Some visitors have reported that a matching stone artifact is on display at the park, but we haven't seen any photos of that (yet). |
In the shapes immediately below that can be seen the letters FOY. In two ways.
First, using the negative space or cracks between the shapes.
And on a smaller scale, within three of the shapes.
These are powerful hints that we should focus on the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park.
In addition, that wider area seems to resemble teeth or a human jawbone. A hint that the park is an active archaeological dig area and that human remains of Native Americans have been discovered there.
The blue blob in the lower left corner may be a sailfish, the official state saltwater fish of Florida.

The lower right side of the rock shows the distinctive outline of an alligator floating in the water. It has the long snout, the bump for the nostrils, a few teeth below the waterline, the flattened forehead, and even the vertical pupil of the eye.

Alligator photo used under a Creative Commons License
Some rights reserved by Julia Koefender on Flickr
It's possible that Palencar's art for Image 6 was influenced by a poster called "Some of Florida's Very Special Animals." The poster was produced for the Florida Audubon Society in 1978, so it would have been a new item in Florida gift shops at the time Preiss passed through.
The art forms the shape of Florida using the outlines of local wild animals. It's very similar to the rock formation in Image 6, although the animal bits in Palencar's painting form the negative space outside of Florida rather than the peninsula itself.
Latitude / Longitude Hints
For searchers that believe the casque to be buried at the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park in St. Augustine, Florida the detail below MAY indicate that numbers are hidden in Image 6 that would enable a 'bracket' of St Augustine's coordinates of 29.9012° N, 81.3124° W.
However, it should be noted that there are several areas in Image 6 that might enable someone to see a great many numbers. So even if the below are possible, other numbers and coordinates are by no means ruled out.
This would include the coordinates of St. Petersburg, Florida (27.7676° N, 82.6403° W) which although less famous, is home to Florida's 'other' Fountain of Youth (complete with its own Ponce De Leon statue - now missing).
Illustrated here may be several possibilities for hidden numbers that would enable a coordinate bracket of 29 and 30. |
Illustrated here may be possibilities for hidden numbers that would enable a coordinate bracket of 81 and 82. |
Proposed solutions:
How to obtain permission for attempted recovery
Assumptions: Final location within Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park, St. Augustine, FL.
Process Status: Confirmed by Wiki user
Contact info Status: Confirmed by Wiki user
As of Date: 2/1/2018
Contact information:
Name: John Fraser
Title: Park Owner
General Park information:
11 Magnolia Ave.
St. Augustine, Florida 32084
Main Phone: 904 829 3168
Permissions Process:
NO digs are allowed without the express permission of the park owner(s) (see below).
Message from the Fountain of Youth Park (3/27/18)
Without question the area by the exit is the most violated area of the park, probably because it is very accessible, dark, and an easy drop for our intrepid author. Every week I find holes in the ground in that area. From the green picket fence to the Menendez statue and from the wall to the wood fence south of the ticket office we have counted hundreds of holes, examined some areas of actual shovel-in-the-ground digging, repaired broken sprinkler pipes, replanted trampled flowers, and incurred other unnecessary maladies. We notice the discussions in the chat rooms and have had to make adjustments to slow down this illicit activity. We now pay a night watchman to live on property and make rounds as well as increase our lighting and signage. While this may not deter the most ardent of treasure hunters, it will make it easier to make a trespassing conviction stick in the event someone is caught.
I need you and anyone who would consider digging here to understand that this is a state and federally recognized historic site. We have two "Florida Historic Markers" and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Other designations are forthcoming. Further, there are hundreds of Native Americans buried here. It was by accident that discovered the first one in 1934. Although this event added much to our understanding of history and changed the course of the park, I do not want another "accident", thus the reason we check with archaeologists first and have a member of our park staff or me accompany an explorer. To date I have personally presided over 11 independent probing sessions which turned into 3 or 4 actual digs, the most famous of which is the one done by Brian Zinn on "Expedition Unknown".
If someone out there has a well thought out hypothesis and would like an opportunity to investigate it legally, then they may send a letter to me here at the park, or come by and leave a message with the ticket office greeter. Although I have entertained some pretty "creative" ideas in the past, I would prefer not to waste time on just hunches. The number of requests to probe and the number of visitors coming here out of curiosity has increased substantially since the TV show. I ask that everyone respect the property and process.
Thank you.
John Fraser, Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park, 11 Magnolia Ave., St. Augustine, FL 32084
Editor's note (4/30/18)
As the page history links will show, this wiki has consistently encouraged searchers at all locations to work through the proper channels and to get permission from the appropriate authorities before doing any digs. In the aftermath of the Expedition Unknown episode about The Secret, the park owners at Fountain of Youth have understandably become very frustrated by the havoc and damage that illicit digs have caused. Such digs harm the park, hurt the chances of others of getting permission, and could decrease the chances of parks in other cities giving permission to searchers in other locations. We were therefore very happy to post the above note from the owner of FOY stating that he would give consideration to those who approach him with a compelling hypothesis. The best way to end illicit digging is to provide a clear, legitimate pathway for well-thought-out solutions to receive due consideration. We urge all searchers to follow the requested process.
Comments (Show all 56)
FlippinArkansas said
at 10:03 am on Apr 24, 2017
Anything you have could be very helpful. I'm going to visit St. Augustine in November and I want to look around at ASP, although I'm increasingly convinced that the key is buried just outside of FOY. Many people have pinpointed locations around FOY but have come up empty and the two major problems are the underground wiring that may have been laid since 1982 and the severe storms (Matthew, most recently) that have damaged the coastal areas like FOY. The only major landmark near ASP is the rock quarry but I'm wondering about the "41" that can be seen in the image and how that may relate to Anastasia Park Site 41. Without seeing it up close, I can't rule it out.
Baker Wilcox said
at 5:38 pm on Apr 27, 2017
What about the water right underneath the flowers? its like a lake or a stream and could be referencing salt run or the atlantic ocean behind the Castillo De San Marco or behind the FOY
bf5man said
at 7:49 pm on May 8, 2017
By the way, Fountain of Youth features multiple conquistador sculptures on its site:
Odeyin said
at 4:32 pm on Sep 21, 2017
Noticed one more thing about this image. Right where the sapphire is, the jagged lines in the rock form sorta the outline of a picket fence..
Miss Storey said
at 5:34 pm on Jan 19, 2018
I also see on 2 F/G that resemble an 'H' which is seen along the waterways next to the area of Ponce Inlet near the lighthouse.
Georgia_Arsenal said
at 2:21 am on Jan 20, 2018
Hey my wife get credit for the find at F:G, 2:3!
A Parrot Looking to the left.
Miss Storey said
at 2:49 am on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the conquistadors helmet resembles the gemstone, but he is also Not holding the flagpole or ready for battle as most are portrayed in landmarks. I am curious of the colors (shadows) on his horse.
Dane said
at 6:28 pm on Jan 26, 2018
Hey Oregonian, I just wanted to keep you posted on my recent progress. After watching the Exp Unknown segment where Zinn and company GPRd around the planetarium I feel like the exit path solution is almost a certainty. Between the teardrops and moonlight verse, green packet fence, and "near men"(bathroom) lines, we should have a very small area to investigate. In there Unknown episode they easily slid a probe into the ground as an initial indicator and to not damage the property. I am planning to have one of my friends use a similar probing device to examine the exit path in line with the fountain and planetarium and near the mens restroom (both sides of exit path) on their vacation to florida in early feb. The process shouldn't take more than 15 minutes total to examine all possible locations and will not leave any damage to the property. Do you have any specific spots you would like me to have them probe? I really feel like I'm going to find the casque, but I'm sure a million people have said the same over the last 35 years. Regardless, with the parks recent cooperation and influx of traffic on this site recently, I'm sure this will be the next casque unearthed. Happy hunting all.
Jess said
at 2:11 pm on Feb 21, 2018
In general I find it unlikely it would be buried inside a fee-paying park (seems against the general ethos of the hunt), so exit signs just outside would be more sensible if indeed the park is the correct site at all.
Exit marks the spot?
Mindy said
at 1:42 am on Jan 27, 2018
Here are some scattered observations I’ve made that I haven’t seen anyone post yet:
E-F 5-6 is a skull: could refer to Indian burial (#6 on park map)
F-4 Ewer on stone ledge by FOY
In the sapphire, there’s a crescent moon like one on peacock arch. Star in the sapphire could represent teardrops or the wind rose-
peacock feathers have tear-shaped “eyespots.”
H-I 2-3 Mask on head of man in FOY building.
JKL 2-3- Palm tree with possible green picket fence at base.
The planetarium show opens with darkness and the sounds of high winds and rain, then a ship appears from the darkness on the screen — hinting at a few lines in poem.
The head of the conquistador is at same angle as Ponce de Leon in FOY. The outfits are nearly identical.
The clouds on the mural behind diorama are similar to clouds on drawing
The purple flowers on the drawing could coincide with buildings on the park map, with the longest stalk being the long straight pathway.
M-6 is an arrowhead (pointing up). There are arrowheads in the FOY building.
NOP 1-5 - water feature on park map—it has a palm growing from a small island in the middle.
The conquistador near the exit sign is holding a spear like the conquistador in the drawing. The conquistador is looking down, possibly where his spear touches is where to dig?
EU was recently able to convince the owner to let Josh Gates dig the place up. They were off by about 100 feet, IMO.
We’re planning a trip there soon. We’re sorta well known in the Forrest Fenn treasure hunt, so we’re hoping the new owner might let us poke around. Lol.
ohowsherocks said
at 3:39 pm on Feb 18, 2018
Is it me or do the lines in the rock at I/J/K - 1/2 and the lines in the small rock at M/N - 9 look similar? See image below...
Ryan said
at 4:35 pm on Feb 20, 2018
is there a 4 in the middle of the palm tree?
Indiana Jones said
at 4:58 pm on Feb 20, 2018
I have never noticed that before. It does look like a 4 and maybe a 2 to it's left. I wish I had a higher resolution photo. When I zoom in it is hard to see. There is also a 2 and 4 on the rock formation as well. Don't know what the meaning is but it sure is interesting.
Jess said
at 2:14 pm on Feb 21, 2018
I feel like the purple circle on the flag is the most out of place and therefore distinctive clue in the picture. Does anyone have a clue what it is?
Ben said
at 11:43 pm on Mar 28, 2018
That struck me as the most odd so i did some research and found a fountain and the fortress have distinctive features that look similar.
Kang said
at 2:08 pm on Apr 8, 2018
Hi Jess - I've seen someone theorize that it's a depiction of the Wind Rose that's in the Planetarium. Also mentioned in the verse. Looks like a pretty good match. But I've come to believe that some image icons have more than one match. So if you if you feel you need to keep on it, then keep on it...
Jess said
at 2:28 pm on Feb 21, 2018
I think the shape of the formation looks is reminiscent of the coquina turret on fort mantazas (
I also think the limestone and shell are about coquina, the salt about the salt marshes on the coast, and the silver about the ambush by Robert Seattle to steal the silver ingots.
All broad area (ie city) indicators, though.
Jess said
at 2:50 pm on Feb 21, 2018
Turrets are also on the Castillo de san Marcos.
Jess said
at 3:30 pm on Feb 21, 2018
May be worth pointing out the similarity between the Spaniard on a pile of rocks on horseback in this painting and a statue in the old Hispanic gardens (which were once public and low fenced):
Linda S said
at 6:03 pm on Feb 21, 2018
f2 looks like a left hand atop of something.
Linda S said
at 6:04 pm on Feb 21, 2018
and f4 looks like a manatee
Matt Johnson said
at 9:38 am on Feb 26, 2018
I know it's already been determined Image 6 is Florida but it looks like the letters of state are found in the green stalks.
Augie Oberkrom said
at 10:17 pm on Mar 2, 2018
at h7 or h6 it looks like there are and 8 and a 3 if you put it into coordinates 24 N and 83 W it puts you right off the coast of dry tortugas national park. Just something I found if you're interested.
Ameripicks said
at 10:06 pm on Mar 8, 2018
Good observation. It has been noted that the numbers 38 (At the top of the rock) And below that you could say it could be a 88 or 83 there. And yes a clear 2 in the middle with possibly a 1 or 4 next to it. Can see a 8 or 3 in front of the 2 also if you look there. What is troubling about this Image representing St Augustine is none of the numbers box in or cross through like all of the other Images have in confirming a City. So lets say we have a possible 21, 24, 32, 38W by 82, 83, 88N numbers to work with. None of them box in or line through St A. Only thing else I see is on the boulder out to the right with the palm tree in the water. I see a S or 5 on the rock with a 0 or 9 below 50 or 59. That does not work either. We need a 80, 81, 82W X 28, 29, 30W to get St A to be included. Maybe someone can find some more numbers. Tortugas National Park / Fort Jefferson - Never knew it was there. Kinda cool looking and where it is located too... Later.
Ben said
at 11:31 pm on Mar 28, 2018
Hey i know its been a while but i think i found something. I was just looking and something about that flag(or banner) didn't look right to me. Two major things i found was the circle thing on the flag looked out of place. I looked up two things a map of St. Augustine and Fountains in St. Augustine. I found nothing comparative on the overall map but I did find an interesting fountain that looks very similar to the circle. Also the overall shape of the banner looks exactly like the root that Ponce took to Florida. I can upload images of comparison in a bit.
Ben said
at 11:40 pm on Mar 28, 2018
Also the fortress has the distinct spikes in the corner but is a square shape. There was a distinctive green picket fence at the Alligator zoo.
Jess said
at 4:29 pm on Mar 29, 2018
Hey Ben, I’m totally with you on the flag (and particularly the circle on the flag) being ‘out of place’. I think they demand attention.
Interestingly when I looked at this a couple of months ago I wound up at the alligator zoo too... annoyingly I can’t remember why! Possibly from looking at zoos as a link to all the animals there. If I remember anything else I’ll post here!
Jess said
at 6:19 pm on Mar 29, 2018
Perhaps the purple marker could be a spot on Tallahassee (with the empty sky around the rock as the map of Florida?)
Jess said
at 6:20 pm on Mar 29, 2018
Picture showing Tallahassee star in similar place to purple marker...
Jess said
at 6:36 pm on Mar 29, 2018
Also looking at the image again, the clouds in general (and one on left hand side in particular) are very unusual- clouds aren’t vertical like that! The one on the left looks like a shape outline (also quite similar to the shape on the dark rock that looks like a bit like a nose to me)
Weeping Angel said
at 6:38 pm on Mar 29, 2018
I was wondering about the flag too and then I saw these photos on Brian Zinn's Flickr page. It also shows the shape of the rock. I hope that helps.
Jess said
at 2:17 am on Mar 30, 2018
Oh wow! The monument marker is that exact shape!
Ben said
at 11:21 am on Mar 30, 2018
Sorry for the late reply on the comments but from my point earlier that the banner looked like ponce’s root it kind of looks like the edge on the image. Also notice on one side of the circle that most of the spikes are yellow could that be pointing us to that side?
Oregonian said
at 12:05 pm on Mar 30, 2018
I think those comparisons are spot-on. Unfortunately, the pictures are copyrighted, so we can't post them here without Brian Zinn's permission. But we can link to them from this page.
Jess said
at 4:45 pm on Apr 12, 2018
Has anyone given any thought to face the sailfish shaped puddle doesn’t show a reflection of what’s around it (ie the flowers)? I don’t have any thoughts beyond that, but it is a little unusual given JJP would clearly be talented enough to paint it as a regular body of water (with a reflection) if that’s all it was supposed to be.
Jess said
at 3:37 pm on Apr 15, 2018
Erm... am I going mad or is there a little person dancing/pointing in this section of the cloud?
Audimike78 said
at 8:00 pm on Jul 5, 2018
I hope these links work properly. So I think is safe to say we all agree the paintings are works of art. there is a lot of talent that goes in to each one. so why is the flower stems look so bad and out of place. its really been bugging me. so I started applying Photoshop to them, but not to go passed anything that couldn't be done in 1982. we know in "Chicago" the painting has to be flipped to properly see the state of Illinois. so I started applying this to the flower stems and while I'm not done with this process I've come up with some amazing results that I don't feel are coincidence. the center flower has two angles to work with. if you line it up along the bottom part of the stem you can clearly see what I call a "snakehead" with two eyes. if you look between the eyes you can see a cross on a dome, which looks like Memorial Presbyterian Church, then below that is a obelisk which there are 3 in St. Aug that I found. and then below that is a possible fountain. then the other half of the stem makes the inside of the church. you can see the blue arches and the wood paneling in the ceiling. and if you think you see the Taj Mahal, I think you do too. the TM was a mausoleum for the king's wife and this church is a mausoleum for Flagler and his first wife. let me know what you guys think about this! I feel like I'm on to something.
Kang said
at 9:33 pm on Jul 5, 2018
The links worked, thank you. Myself, I have not been convinced that the puzzles were built in this way or make use of such techniques, but do not rule out any possibility of it. There are others who are trying such approaches. It appears that the only manipulation you've really done is apply a mirror on several different vertical axes. As if someone were holding a mirror to the page back in 1982, is that correct? To produce this effect, the mirror would need to be a straight edge with no bezel or frame, I take it. The page would also need to be very flat and the mirror held very steady at exactly 90 degrees. But it's possible I guess. Your images appear fairly pixelated. Have you downloaded the somewhat higher res images from BunnyEars Website? Maybe that will help you?
Happy hunting!
Audimike78 said
at 10:18 pm on Jul 5, 2018
Thanks I'll try those. Yes if you took a piece of mirrored glass and lined it up with the stems it would duplicate the effect
Limey said
at 5:05 am on Apr 21, 2024
Some additional observations I think linking Image 6 to Florida and the FOY:
1. The long flag appears to have been edited (like the fleur-de-Lys has been covered in Image 9). The original JJP painting has a shape like the Castillo de San Marcos on the flag but it has been covered by a purple circle in the book. Maybe because it was deemed to be too easily recognised.
Original painting shown here:
2. The long flag is also a similar style to the ship’s long flag on the FOY booklet cover and also on a sign in the park -
3. The horse looks small. Florida Cracker Horses are known to be small and were brought to America by the Spanish.
4. The figure on the horse is painted in a similar style to the FOY brochures -
5. St Augustine co-ordinates - 29° N, 81° W and the FOY Zip code 32084 can be made using the possible ‘821’ numbers in the image 6 rock’s ‘head’ neck area.
6. Just above that there appears to be an open book similar to that on the sign at the entrance to the FOY Park - and maybe a set of steps?
7. The proposed Alligator outline in the ‘Image Matches’ also looks like it could be an extended skeletal arm buried in the rock, it’s fingers touching the open book and stretching for the jewel. This may be a link to the Native American burial ground at the FOY Park.
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