Image 03
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last edited
by Oregonian 10 months, 3 weeks ago
General notes on Image 3
Specific Observations
Please record your notes about this image in the list below. Use the letter/number grid to identify the point on the image that you're describing. To keep things organized, 1) please start each observation with a letter/number combo (in bold), and 2) add new observations in the right place on the list to keep everything alphabetized.
- A3-E8 - The arch is nearly identical to the one at the entrance of the Elizabethan gardens.
- E5 - Some people have suggested that the faceplate of the helmet resembles the face of a horse and may be a hint toward the town of Nags Head, directly across the water from Roanoke Island.
- G1-2 - The underside of the knight's right hand is a really clever reflected representation of the North Carolina coastline. The strange hook hanging from the knight's right wrist represents Albemarle Sound and the bent fingers represent estuaries for the Neuse, Pamlico, and Pungo rivers. (See below for more info.) The fact that this hand extends outside the margin of the picture is probably meant as a clue toward the outer banks.
- G5 - The shape outlined on the breastplate of the armor appears to be a crossbow. There may have been one on display in the visitors center at one time.
- H5 - The jewel is a garnet, the birth stone for January.
- H7 - This bell is very similar to the one on display outside the Paul Revere House in Boston.
- H8 - The crack in the wall may be in the shape of Roanoke Island (see below).
- H9 & I2 - Two skeleton keys are hanging from the suit of armor.
- I10 - The pocket watch hanging from the chain shows a time of 1:00, indicating the month of January.
- J3 - The flower is a white carnation, the birth flower for January.
- J8 - This bell is very similar to a Japanese temple bell on display in the Back Bay Fens of Boston.
- K1-2 - The wall may show the number 54.
- K5 - The cylindrical pedestal under the suit of armor resembles the pedestal under the statue of Virginia Dare at the Elizabethan Gardens.
- L2 - There appears to be a Christian cross carved into the stonework, similar to the cross in the lion's mane in Image 2. If the symbol is connected to the play The Lost Colony, performed at the Waterside Theatre, this might be a reference to the cross used in the baptism scenes. Alternatively, it might refer to the mast and yardarms that move behind the stage as props to represent ships coming and going.
- M8 & M9 - The dangling objects in the lower right corner form a representation of Pear Pad Road, which runs to the northwest corner of the Fort Raleigh National Historic site. The sphere on the spoon represents a traffic circle above the curving road, while the object hanging from the spoon is the "pad" (or flattened stem) of a prickly pear cactus (see below).
- N3 - The object dangling from the foot of the pixie may be a third bell.
- O3 - The pattern of cracks in the floor appears to show the stage of the Waterside Theatre, which features a five-sided structure with a peaked roof and has walls extending out to either side.
- O7-P9 - The wall may show the number 56.
- N3- The object dangling from the woman's foot is probably a plumb bob.
Other Notes
- Please note: The guidelines for The Secret specifically rule out any possibility that a casque could be buried in "any public or private flower bed." That would rule out all of the maintained areas at the Elizabethan Gardens, so please do not do any digging there. We don't want to create problems for the gardeners who maintain that beautiful space. There is also no chance that the casque is buried in any of the undisturbed and archaeologically-significant areas of the historic site, so please do not dig there either. The casque will only be buried in a place where there has already been a great deal of digging and where further digging will not create a problem.
- This figure in the suit of armor may be a representation of the Red Cross Knight, a character is The Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser.
- The armor shown here may be related in some way to the armor on display in the visitors center at the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. In particular, the blades seem very similar to those on the halberds in the center's Arms and Armor exhibit:
- The three bells hanging from the armor appear to be a reference to Albert Quentin Bell who designed the Waterside Theatre at the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. The Waterside Theatre is where The Lost Colony is performed during the summer months. The theatre is still described as "The House that Skipper Bell Built" and there has been a memorial plaque with Albert Bell's name at the back of the theatre since 1967.
- This image has many geometrical connections to Image 11. The two may be connected in some way.
- This is the only image where the contents extend outside the margin.
- These words appear on the Fort Raleigh historical marker:
On this site, in July – August, 1585 (O.S.), colonists, sent out from England by Sir Walter Raleigh, built a fort, called by them “The New Fort in Virginia." These colonists were the first settlers of the English race in America. They returned to England in July, 1586, with Sir Francis Drake. Near this place was born, on the 18th of August, 1587, Virginia Dare, the first child of English Parents born in America – daughter of Ananias Dare and Eleanor White, his wife, members of another band of colonists sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1587. On Sunday, August 20, 1587, Virginia Dare was baptized. Manteo, the friendly Chief of the Hatteras Indians had been baptized on the Sunday preceding. These baptisms are the first known celebrations of a Christian Sacrament in the territory of the thirteen original United States.
Image Matches
The knight's right arm is a reflected representation of the North Carolina coastline, showing many of the major rivers and peninsulas. And the hand extends outside the boundaries of the picture frame because the top of the hand shows the outer banks! (Oh, Palencar, you sneaky devil you!)
Amazingly, no one noticed the connection until wiki user Drumman pointed it out in 2018. You can download the full version of his illustration here.
The crack in the wall to the right of the window is in the rough shape of Roanoke Island. This is why readers are told in Verse 11 to go to "the land near the window."
The spoon with a marble in it is a representation of a spoon-shaped service road that appears below a traffic circle in maps of the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site. The service road is named "Pear Pad Road" and the object hanging from the handle of the spoon is the pad (or flattened stem) of a prickly pear cactus.
To the east of Pear Pad Road there is another, larger traffic circle and a large square parking lot used primarily for performances of The Lost Colony. That traffic circle and square parking lot are thought to be the "circle and square" that we are told to pass through in Verse 11.
The suit of armor with the arms outstretched has an interesting resemblance to the figure on the 1980 playbill for The Lost Colony, which is performed every summer at the Waterside Theatre.
In particular, the shapes formed by the hands have an interesting match to the hands of the figure on the playbill.
The outstretched, horizontal arms on the suit of armor are holding up various items (keys, bells, spoons, etc). And the arms are supported from below (in the picture) by diagonal metal bracing that connects from the elbow of each arm down to the torso. Such bracing would be a ridiculous feature in a real suit of armor, of course, because it wouldn't allow the arms to move. Its only purpose would be to allow the arms to support more weight.
Taken together, all of those details suggest that what we are really seeing in Image 3 are boom arms of the kind used in theatrical productions. The arms are attached to vertical truss towers and used to hold sound and lighting equipment. (And the arms are hollow metal pipes, just like the arms of a suit of armor.)
The Waterside Theatre, where The Lost Colony is performed, has at least one such vertical truss tower (with boom arms attached). It is on the western edge of the amphitheatre and the lower half of it is encircled by a fake tree trunk and used to represent the CRO tree at the end of the play.
On the knight's left breastplate there is a very small four-leaf clover. (Note that there is also a tiny four-leaf clover in Image 11.)
The Maltese cross was supposed be drawn by the lost Roanoke colonists, should they have to leave because of danger. It was never drawn, and on the right part of the mouth piece/guard there is a design that could fit the cross there. (Perhaps since it wasn't drawn, the cross isn't fully there?) |
There’s a statue of Virginia Dare in the Elizabethan Gardens with a pedestal resembling the one in the Image 3. Its not an exact match but it is close.
The pillar at the bottom of Image 3 highly resembles the one in the picture that stood at the old entrance to Fort Raleigh. As with the previous match, the match is not exact but it is close. |
Latitude / Longitude Hints
There appears to be a "36" formed by the cracks in the wall at the lower right corner of the window.
There appears to be a "75" formed by the patterns of the cracks in the lower right corner.
The northern half of Roanoke Island stretches from approximately 35.89°N, 75.64°W to 35.94°N, 75.73°W. The rounding doesn't really make sense, but the coordinates are very close to the numbers in the picture.
Questions, questions, questions...
- If the bells are a reference to Albert Quentin Bell, what is the symbolism of the keys?
- If the knight is measuring something with his right hand, does that distance match up to anything else?
- Does anyone have a close-up picture of the halberd on display in the Visitor Center at the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site?
- What are the meanings of the bubbles and the statue?
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Image 03
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Comments (Show all 60)
Drumman said
at 11:41 pm on Jan 20, 2018
By the way, I wasn't certain whether one ring and string was the Rappahannock or the York River. I initially labelled it as the Rap, but after some closer inspection of the image, I noticed what looks like Mobjack Bay next to the mouth of the York.
MtnLyon said
at 11:08 am on Jan 24, 2018
Excellent work, Drumman! There are a few unsolved things in the image I knew had to have significance but could not come up with a solution. You just solved two of them! I had been thinking the fingers on the right hand itself had something to do with the way the NC coastline takes the sharp turn to the southwest. The item that turns out to be Albemarle Sound was another thing. With that info, I would say the base part of the 'bump' on the right wrist of the armor is the Wright Brothers Memorial. I think the ball (satellite?) and the bit joining the two may have significance to another part of the image but I'm working on that.
Does anyone have an idea what the significance is of the stuff coming out of the bottom part of the armor is? Due to the color and the spikes coming out, my first basic thought was a stylized pinecone but that just does not feel right. I do believe there is something there to figure out though. I don't know if it has to do with the shoreline (docks, etc.) like in the Boston image. Manteo doesn't have a skyline per se. Not sure if it will have anything to do with determining a dig site, but would like to come up with some plausible explanation.
MtnLyon said
at 2:08 pm on Jan 26, 2018
In trying to figure out an inspiration/source for the image, I have developed one theory - which will have to be in several posts due to length. I’m not claiming it to be a correct theory because as I went along, it seemed like I was finding clues to support a predetermined hypothesis. But, there are enough loosely fitting connections that I figured ‘what the heck’…go ahead and toss it out there in case it clicks with someone else and maybe leads to more progress on a solution.
So there is the disclaimer. Feel free to approve or disprove as you see fit! The free flowing thought process led not to a painting but to an artist, inventor and a man known for his interest in the flying machines like the Wright Brothers created.
My initial step was to think in very general terms what the image reminded me of in the world of classic art. Two things stood out: the knight and his stance. I tried the Smartify app but it did not make a match to any paintings in its digitized database.
With the outstretched arms, the first thought was Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitruvian_Man). I considered the lack of the circle and square around the figure. Perhaps the empty circle(s) in the Image 3 are to reflect this circle? In particular, the one above and to the left of the knight? Yeah, I know . . . not a strong connection, but I’m just following where my mind wanders.
Looking into Da Vinci a little more – in particular his sketches like Vitruvian Man – I discovered he created a robotic knight in the late 15th century (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo%27s_robot)! I was pretty excited until I saw the actual knight does not bear much resemblance to the one in Image 3. But this was at least enough to keep me on the hook.
[Continued in next post]
MtnLyon said
at 2:10 pm on Jan 26, 2018
From there, honestly, the connections don’t get much stronger and could be nothing more than me trying to force a connection. But looking more at Da Vinci’s sketches and inventions, you can see the following:
• Horses were a popular subject for sketches. Perhaps this is a better explanation for the horse-like face of the knight than the geographic proximity of Nags Head? (https://www.google.com/search?q=da+vinci+horse+sketches&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWsJaF_vXYAhVLVWMKHSkeD54Q7AkIcw&biw=1600&bih=754)
• He devised plans for a giant crossbow (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo%27s_crossbow). The crossbow in Image 3 has been pointed out before in the torso region of the knight’s armor.
• He developed a diving apparatus (http://www.davincilife.com/scuba-gear.html). The segmented portion of the diving suit’s sketch from shoulder to elbow bears a resemblance to the corresponding area on the knight’s armor.
• The hands of the knight struck me as prominent, too. Looking at the knight’s right hand, I had noticed the resemblance to the way North Carolina’s shoreline cuts back to the southwest below Cape Hatteras. Thanks to Drumman’s excellent work, we know how that hand actually fits into Image 3’s solution. Looking at the knight’s left hand, I have found no such significance. The best tie-in I can come up with is that when you look at most of Da Vinci’s sketches of hands, they are often in a similar pose as the left hand of the knight (http://www.drawingsofleonardo.org/images/hands.jpg)
• The ball above the knob/bump on the knight’s right wrist (which I think is the Wright Brother’s Memorial), resembles the cannonballs from Da Vinci’s triple cannon (the middle image as you scroll down on this page: http://derekbair.blogspot.com/2011/06/leonardo-da-vinci-cannon-found.html). Another tenuous connection, at best, I’d agree.
[Continued in next post]
MtnLyon said
at 2:11 pm on Jan 26, 2018
The symbol on the right side of the knight’s mouthpiece (or to our left as we look at it), has a single dot/hole surrounded by six others. It shares a general resemblance to Da Vinci’s Flower of Life sketch (https://georgiaahimsa.wordpress.com/2014/03/17/647/). The Flower of Life also has tie-ins with the Vitruvian Man.
• Many of these sketches appear to come from Da Vinci’s Codex Atlanticus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Atlanticus).
So . . . what does all this mean?!? I really do not know. Da Vinci is thought to have hidden images in his artworks just as BP and JJP have done. Da Vinci is known to have written in a mirror image script and possibly incorporate mirror images into some of his artwork. Maybe this is a subtle hint that clues within Image 3 are also backwards/mirror images such as the knight’s right arm and the spoon & pear pad. Maybe there are more mirror image clues to be found?
Ultimately, I have not found anything that leads me closer to a precise dig site. I also am no closer to figuring out the significance of the reddish stuff coming out from the bottom of the knight’s armor. I have read (from a contributor on Q4T) the suggestion it is Carolina Allspice but am not sold on that at the moment (http://www.mortonarb.org/trees-plants/tree-plant-descriptions/carolina-allspice).
[Mercifully concluded in the next post]
MtnLyon said
at 2:16 pm on Jan 26, 2018
There you have it. There sure are a lot of loose connections but I wanted to share in case it shook something loose for someone else. A few other notes on the image I have noticed and would like to share in case they mean something further down the line:
• The line down the middle of the knight’s armor (from the breastplate down to the ‘belt’ where the jewel is located) is not centered it is slightly off center to the left.
• I also suspect the pattern of the belt is significant as it dips down to the squared-off form where the jewel is located. This same pattern can be seen in the overview of Fort Raleigh if you take the shoreline of the sound to be the main/upper part of the belt and consider the Waterside Theater to be the area where the belt dips down and forms the squared-off. If you use this theory with the above observation, maybe it is another clue saying the dig site is just off to the left side of the Waterside Theater. Which, of course, is exactly where the current best guess is already stated. The ‘dip down’ pattern can also been seen elsewhere such as in the reconstructed earthen fort, possibly in the tops of fence lines, etc.
• Just to keep things confused, if you take the shoreline to be the top part of the belt, you can also make a case that the border outline of Elizabethan Gardens kind of makes the same pattern seen in the armor belt. Plus some of the patterns seen in the armor resemble some of the plantings within the Gardens. (Such as the suspected incomplete Maltese Cross and the Sunken Gardens). Since I agree that BP would have avoided burying the casque in the Elizabethan Gardens, I have ruled out this observation.
Thanks for reading . . . and thanks especially to all of you who contribute to this wealth of information. With the significant increase in interested hunters, I look forward to seeing one of the remaining casques unearthed in the near future!
manteo said
at 11:04 am on Feb 7, 2018
I put this on the solution page, but figured I'd put it here as well. I think there is little doubt that this treasurer was buried on Roanoke Island. The theory about it being buried under the fiberglass Croatoan tree is suspect, as the tree was first created in 2010. Prior to that, the Croatoan sign was hanging on a tree near where the fiberglass tree is now, but the location varied over the years, and I have not been able to find a photo of where it was in 1981. My best guess is that Preiss buried it next to the old watergate of the Elizabethan Gardens, as the iron gate that was at that location in the early 80s had a strong resemblance to the armor. Once I figure out how, I'll post some photos of it. The red sword-like skirt around the armor's waist probably was meant to refer to the yucca plants at the base of the stone pillars the gate hung from. There also is a brochure of the Eliz Gardens from 1981 which has a map on which a path leading to the watergate looks remarkably like the reversed image of the gnome hanging from the armor, and which also talks about Mr. Bell being one of the people who was instrumental in designing the planting for the gardens. And, the watergate would be the first thing seen if you arrived at the gardens from the water, and the gate would be the last thing touched as you left the gardens in that direction. Also, the strange form hanging horizontally from the armors right arms looks just like the latch on the old watergate. Unfortunately, there have been several hurricanes since 1981, two of which have washed all of the ground away from all sides of the gate, and one which collapsed the gate into the water. If the treasure was buried there, it is long gone. On a side note, they did recently use ground-penetrating radar all around the existing gate, and did a dig there, and found nothing. I think this treasure is lost for good, unless someone finds it on the bottom of Roanoke sound.
Brixwall said
at 12:21 pm on Feb 7, 2018
Here goes some of my findings. Some you may agree with, some not. Not sure if any will help with the final search but here goes Rainman style.
1. E5-6: One of the first things I noticed about this pictures were the devil horns. I know it looks like it goes with the horse head, but it's not horse ears- I think its devil horns for "Kill Devil Hills" in the area of the Wright Memorial.
2. E4/5 and E6/7: the side brims of the helmet are actually depictions of the side view of the Wright Memorial: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kenlund/14467556013. Hope this comes out as a link.
3. E5-6: Mind blowing moment!!! The eye slit shape seemed weird to me but it came to me and it is for real. The eye opening is the wing of a plane. The front of the plane goes up to the top of the helmet and the back straight down. Turn the image to the side to confirm this for yourself. I think LOOK NORTH AT THE WING can have a duel meaning of look at the image just below the helmet eye opening "wing." That could mean that you don't not need to directly view the Wing across the water from the dig site.
4. F5-6: My best guess on the two symbols on either side of the mouth are a representation of the English and Native Americans. English represented by the cross symbol. The Native Americans represented by the dot surrounded by six more dots. Here is a watercolor by John White referencing the Native Americans there: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_White_(colonist_and_artist)#/media/File:North_carolina_algonkin-rituale02.jpg. The image has the same number of "dots." Also, I think the posts that are representations of these are at the historical site but not sure if they were there in 1981.
More to add in a bit.
Brixwall said
at 1:48 pm on Feb 7, 2018
5. E5-6: Under the "wing" of the plane, not sure what's going on. It looks like a rope or a tree formed from two trees that twisted together- that is in white. Under that, from the chin, it looks like a lamp post with a light on each side for the nostrils. I have a feeling that this area is super important but need to look around the site to see what this could be. The symbols on each side of the mouth I mentioned in #4 I think are references to the Lost Colony play pointing to the Waterside Theater. The lamp/light may also indicate the play with settlers and Native Americans under the lights. The top of the "lights" also seem to form the tail of the "plane" that I referenced in #3 above.
6. F5: The cross on the chest plate goes with other figures on the chest plate. This cross I think references the Elizabethan Gardens. Not sure if its the bigger area or the smaller area but here is the map link: https://outerbanksthisweek.com/sites/default/files/styles/ob_very_large/public/business/to-do/eg-map-2016.jpg?itok=xEbSSGSc. Either the #14 or #9 garden in the graphic.
7. M6: The pedestal seems to hold clues in the shapes of the bricks. I think this is just referencing the Lost Colony. Here is the image that keeps popping up in my brain that corresponds: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2012/05/04/us/ROANOKE-2-1336087124226/ROANOKE-2-jumbo.jpg.
7. F6: Figures left chest plate seems to have the Waterside theater represented with people as some of the dots. It is turned sideways so the stage is in the middle of the chest and facing his left arm.
8. F7: Need confirmation from a local or old aerial photos to show it but I think the baseball image is where there used to be a baseball field I'm guessing on the other side of the square parking lot. If you Google Earth the area and look to the right of the parking lot, there is an area that does not have really any trees and the soil is reddish. I thought it could be an old baseball field.
Brixwall said
at 2:05 pm on Feb 7, 2018
9. M6: The brick pattern looks like a hidden clue. I think it is actually another reference to the Lost Colony. This is the image that I think corresponds to it: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2012/05/04/us/ROANOKE-2-1336087124226/ROANOKE-2-jumbo.jpg.
Now for some hidden number fun, won't repeat the larger 36 and 75 that seem pretty obvious. I've read about others that are a little iffier but check these out:
10. L7: Look at the right side of the top of the pedestal. The part that sticks out the most. Now zoom your screen to 300x and you will see a "35"
11. L7: Look from the right edge of the top of the pedestal to the line coming off the middle of what we think is the representation of the Waterside Theater. Zoom 300x again and you can make out what appears to say "Me 65."
12. K4: Under the left edge of the window sill it seems to have a "5" with a "30" just above and to the right of it seen again on 300x magnification.
Brixwall said
at 2:28 pm on Feb 7, 2018
I saw the numbers "32" and "45" yesterday on the left side of the pedestal but not seeing them today so will need to keep looking.
13. L/M2: It seems to spell out "open" on the ground to the right of the cross at 300x magnification.
14. I-L/2-3: I think the fairy/gnome is a representation of the map. I was interested in the last post by Manteo. Here is the image I was thinking of: http://thesecret.pbworks.com/f/Image03_Map_2.jpg. I thought the leg going back was the path to the parking lot, the leg straight down goes to the fort and then that has a string that goes down to a woman. Maybe if this plaque was there?: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kenlund/14273782828. I thought the arms that are holding the bubble represent the small paths to the Waterside.
I think to me there are at least three representations of the Waterside theater on here. The image on the bottom right, the carnation bubble and the figures left chest. The problem is knowing what to target: an object, tree, etc. All three representations of the Waterside seem to include a path that if your facing the theater goes out from the stage area on the left towards the Elizabethan Gardens. It is clear on the bottom right image in the stones, it is coming out of the carnation bubble and even has a small square between that path and the dangling key and finally it may be represented on the armor. If the circle in the middle of the armor is the stage- the path could be represented by the sword shape that goes straight down the middle of the abdomen. This would be off to the left if you believe that the audience is on his left breast. I think that the weird metal structure that is referenced in the picture under his arms and I think helps with props during the play would be a good place to look. I don't know enough about the path from the theater toward the Elizabethan Gardens to say much more.
Brixwall said
at 9:19 pm on Feb 8, 2018
M4: Sorry to add another comment. I see the “32” and “45” now. It is along the left side of the pedestal just above the wall trim. The more I look the more letters and numbers I’m starting to see. I’m not sure if this is scribblings that are not meant to be on the picture or if they are real. I was better able to see these two numbers on my cell phone when I enlarged it. They are rotated clockwise.
Brixwall said
at 8:06 pm on Feb 11, 2018
I9: There are too many numbers that I am seeing. I found "47" here. There "4" is mostly straight up but the "7" is tilted counterclockwise. Look at it around 200-240x zoom on your computer to see it best.
Brad Hodges said
at 12:08 pm on Feb 26, 2018
Did you post the photo of the carved tree?
MtnLyon said
at 3:41 pm on Feb 26, 2018
There is a photo of the CRO tree as it appeared in 2011 posted on the solution page for this image. Good luck on your upcoming trip!
MtnLyon said
at 3:55 pm on Feb 26, 2018
That page also includes a photo of the light tower and tree as they appeared in summer 2017.
Brad Hodges said
at 8:44 pm on Mar 6, 2018
When I asked about photos of the carved tree in prior posts, I was not referencing the one from the theatre but the one from the other user’s quest that he found that appeared to be an actual fallen tree that was carved.
Odeyin said
at 8:56 pm on Apr 7, 2018
I am not sure if this has been mentioned before as it is somewhat benign...but to maybe prove a point at the base of the stone footer P-O 5-6 is John Jude Palencar's signature hidden in the image..(the point that their is hidden writing in the images..I know..most people disagree with me...)
Goonies1234 said
at 11:11 pm on Apr 10, 2018
The knights helmet appears to look like a WWI helmet(doughboys) not sure if there is any significance or maybe a WWI statue near the area I. Question. Also the shape of the knights face looks like a camel or horse. Above the right shoulder it looks like the number three sideways in the cloud.
Brad Hodges said
at 11:31 pm on Apr 10, 2018
No war statues that I am aware of. The current thought about the head shape is that it is a horse to indicate the area of Nags Head, NC.
em said
at 1:32 pm on Apr 11, 2018
just updated the flikr account for my pics. https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikehunt1977/albums/72157689767127520 just added lost colony pics and will add pear pad road and elizabethan gardens pics later.
Mel said
at 7:17 pm on Apr 17, 2018
My observations:
1. The North Carolina state bird is a Cardinal, which could be represented in the skirting under the armor.
2. The 3 bubbles (1 small, 1 medium, and 1 large) could represent the three roundabouts in the general area of the Waterside Theatre and the Elizabethan Gardens, the small one being at the end of Pear Pad Rd, the medium one being National Park Dr, and the large one being Fort Raleigh Rd.
3. The "Maltese Cross" on the right side of the helmet instead appears to be an aerial view of Elizabethan Gardens. If you look at the walkway in the center, it forms a cross and the 4 statues in between are the dots on the mask.
Mel said
at 8:04 pm on Apr 17, 2018
4. The rough part of the armor on the right breast plate appears to look like the cobblestone path in and around each corner of Elizabethan Gardens, with the section around the neck being the fountain in the center. You can also see where the path goes off on the shoulder.
Brad Hodges said
at 6:14 am on Apr 18, 2018
The cobblestone path was installed by the DOT in 2011.
Mel said
at 10:50 am on Apr 18, 2018
The shape still resembles 1/4 of the Elizabethan Gardens. Was it just a dirt walk before or was it some other material?
Kang said
at 12:07 pm on Apr 18, 2018
In these pics from 2008/09 or prior the paths around the fountain appear that they may be some sort of gravel.
Which might even be a better match to the image than the brickwork it looks like is there now.
Brad Hodges said
at 12:34 pm on Apr 18, 2018
I like your ideas. I don’t see the shape you are referring to though “1/4 of the E.G.”. I don’t know what the path was before, guessing sand. The bricked area Kang posted is just the sunken garden, not all garden paths.
Mel said
at 1:36 pm on Apr 18, 2018
If you go on Google maps and look at an aerial view of the Elizabethan Gardens, more specifically the sunken garden, it has 4 sections with 4 different statues broken up by walkways. What I am talking about on the right breast plate is a representation of one section (1/4) of the sunken garden.
Also, if you look at the map of the Elizabethan Gardens on their website, the "Mount & Well Head" aerial view look like the circle and cross on the left breast plate.
Kang said
at 3:09 pm on Apr 18, 2018
I think this might help illustrate the potential matches that Mel seems to be putting forth. Like Linda Richman used to say on Coffee Talk, "Discuss..."
Mel said
at 5:36 pm on Apr 18, 2018
Yes! Exactly! Sorry, I was at work and wasn't able to put together an image until I got home, but a big thanks to Kang for doing it better than I ever could!
Oregonian said
at 7:44 am on May 30, 2018
For anyone interested in the history of the Lost Colony, the June 2018 issue of National Geographic has an article on it: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/06/lost-colony-roanoke-history-theories-croatoan/
Crum said
at 11:45 am on Nov 13, 2019
We were on site at the Wright Memorial, Fort Raleigh/Waterside Theater, and other locations. Does anyone know the exact dates that the benches and audience seating were renovated in the theater? It looks like concrete terraces were added at some point and the new stadium style seats were bolted to the concrete.
RRPerry said
at 4:51 pm on Jul 26, 2021
M8 - I believe this is a pea on the spool representing Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge which is south of Wright Brothers' National Memorial.
Limey said
at 7:28 am on Nov 12, 2023
Some observations on Image 3:
The armour seems to be modelled on a portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh, confirming the FRNHS area. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155091558/Image_3_Sir_Walter_Raleigh.jpg
The figure seems to be in a crucifix pose – maybe a reference to Queen Elizabeth I, who wanted to “explore and colonize territories unclaimed by Christian kingdoms" and instructed Raleigh to do so. The armour has two Christ like wounds to abdomen and wrist.
The armour from chest down if turned upside down resembles a tribal mask as used by some Native American tribes such as the False Face Society, the Image then has the jewel in a crown – bearing a “….Garnet, crown-jewel of their Queen” from TLOTJ, p.20.
(this mask on the right is reproduction representation). http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155091561/Image_3_armour_tribal_mask.jpg
The ‘fabric’ below the armour may represent the seeds of the Carolina red Maple. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155091567/acer_rubrum_seed.jpg
Lost Colony production connections to Image 3:
Interestingly in the play, some actors position themselves on a pole like in the image – one in a crucifix position with feathers hanging from his outstretched arms and two other actors forming ‘spars’ below him. Also the soldiers in the production have red fabric hanging from below their armour similar to a brigandine in this YouTube clip. I don’t know if this was the case in the 80’s production. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155091570/Image_3_similarities.jpg
Penelope Morgan said
at 5:33 pm on Dec 31, 2023
The nymph dancing seems to be based on "The Bubble" a bronze and glass statue by Harriet Whitney Frishmuth, 1880-1980. It's currently on display in the Crystal Bridges art museum, but definitely wasn't in Arkansas in 1980/1981. The artist would have recently passed and would be in headlines at the time of the writing the book.
The sculpture is based on a burlesque dance. The same artist also created a bust of Woodrow Wilson...
Limey said
at 2:22 pm on Jan 10, 2024
I wonder if BP gave JJP this playbill for the 1980 production of The Lost Colony to use as inspiration for his painting. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155689914/Image_3_%26_TLC_playbill_1980.jpg
The hands are especially similar. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155689917/Image_3_%26_TLC_playbill_1980_hands.jpg
Oregonian said
at 9:55 am on Jan 11, 2024
Those are great finds! I've moved the images into the Image 03 folder and I've added them to this page. Feel free to add more text to the page above if you want to explain more about the significance.
Limey said
at 2:26 pm on Jan 18, 2024
Thanks Oregonian.
Limey said
at 2:34 pm on Jan 18, 2024
The crucifix like pose on a pedestal with a church like background in Image 3 I think represents the cross which stood on an altar in the gabled ‘church’ on the Waterside Theatre stage. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155770407/Image_3_Waterside_Theatre_cross.jpg
I also think that the armour left breastplate in the image has the ‘path beckoning’ on it, leading us from the ticket office to the theatre backstage area. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155770416/Image_3_the_path_that_beckons.jpg
The crack above “The land near the window” in the image may also be a direction clue to look north at the WBM which is one of the arm rings in Image 3. http://thesecret.pbworks.com/w/file/155770419/Image_3_look_north_at_the_WBM.jpg
Smilez said
at 9:49 pm on Jun 4, 2024
I haven’t had time to fully dive into everything I’ve wanted to but the moon in the background has led me to Thomas Hariot and his true brief report of the new found land of Virginia. If you look through versions of that book you can see tassels exactly like the ones hanging from the artwork. There are also a few maps that may help.
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