Verse 02
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on April 4, 2018 at 9:44:46 am
General notes on Verse 2
- This verse is thought to be linked to Image 7 and a casque in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Many of the references in the verse appear to be describing Lafayette Square, which is in the Central Business District on St. Charles Avenue. Nothing in the verse, however, appears to describe a precise place to dig. If the Lafayette Square interpretation is correct, the specific details of the casque location are probably hidden in Image 7.
- Reminder: the guidelines for The Secret specifically rule out any casque being hidden in a flower bed, and many areas in Lafayette Park, including the base of the John McDonogh monument, are very carefully landscaped. Please do not dig there.
Lines |
Interpretation(s) |
At the place where jewels abound |
- One of the best-known traditions of Mardi Gras in New Orleans is the tossing of bead necklaces from the parade floats to the spectators. Unbelievable amounts of these "jewels" are exchanged during this yearly event. (A recent cleaning by the city removed 93,000 pounds of the beads that were clogging storm drains.)
No other city in North America has such a well-established tradition of distributing shiny "jewels." This line, by itself, should be enough to identify New Orleans.
- Many of the largest and oldest parade routes, including those used by the Krewe of Zulu, the Rex Organization, and Krewe of Elks Orleans, share a stretch of St. Charles Avenue from Jackson to Canal. Parades along this route often make a major stop at the old New Orleans city hall, Gallier Hall, across the street from Lafayette Park.
- "Jewels abound" could also be a reference to St. Mary's Park, which is located in the Central Business District between Lee Circle and the Mississippi River. The park forms a long, narrow strip bounded by North Diamond Street above and South Diamond Street below.

- This could also be a reference to The Presbytère, which is part of the Louisiana State Museum and has a permanent exhibit showcasing a collection of Mardi Gras jewels. (It isn't clear whether the exhibit existed in 1980.) Full-size images: View 1, View 2, and View 3.

Fifteen rows down to the ground |
- The John Minor Wisdom United States Court of Appeals Building, located at 600 Camp Street at the southeast corner of Lafayette Square, has an exterior decorated with alternating thick and thin bands of stonework. Counting just those alternating bands (and ignoring the other stonework above and below) there are 15 rows in all wrapping around the first floor.

Photo used under a Creative Commons License  Some rights reserved by www78 on Flickr
- There are many old buildings around Lafayette Square that have stone steps going down to the street level, but we don't yet have a list of which ones (if any) have 15 rows of steps.
- Washington Artillery Park fills the space between Jackson Square and the Moonwalk Riverfront Park along the Mississippi. The central amphitheater has 15 rows of steps and there are many references to Mayor Moon in the area.

- Some people have claimed that Gallier Hall has 15 rows down to the ground, but in photographs it looks more like 16 rows.
In the middle of twenty-one
From end to end
- This is very likely a reference to Lafayette street, which stretches from the Interstate 10 interchange, directly through the Superdome, and almost to the Mississippi. Starting at South Galvez Street and heading east, it has the following intersections: Johnson, Prieur, Roman, Bertrand, Derbigny, Bolivar, Claiborne, Loyola, Rampart, O'Keefe, Baronne, Carondelet, St. Charles, Camp, Magazine, Constance, Tchoupitoulas, Commerce, Peters, Fulton, Convention Center Blvd., Poydras. That makes 22 blocks (rather than 21) but it's very possible that the extra block is due to a street change in the past 37 years. In particular, the New Orleans Convention Center only opened in 1985, so the final streets near the river would very likely have been different in 1981.
It would be very helpful if someone could go to a New Orleans library and find us a road map for the city from 1980 so we could have definite information about the street grid at that time.
- If the stretch of 21 refers to Lafayette Street, then "in the middle" probably refers to Lafayette Square.
- There are 21 arches from end to end of Jackson Square when you count them across all 3 buildings. The Cabildo (9), St Louis Cathedral (3), and The Prebytere (9). 
Only three stand watch |
- This could refer to the three statues in Lafayette Square. John McDonogh is at the west end, Benjamin Franklin is at the east end, and Henry Clay in the center of the park. The John McDonogh monument is the one that has a child reaching upwards in a pose that may be related to the figure in Image 7.
- This could also refer to the three figures shown in the pediment (the triangular area above the columns) at the front of Gallier Hall, the old New Orleans city hall. Gallier Hall is located at 545 St Charles Ave, across the street from Lafayette Square. The three female figures represent Liberty, Justice, and Commerce and they seem to be watching the street below (although only Justice is standing). Seems odd that she has on a blindfold if she is standing watch.

Photo used under a Creative Commons License  Some rights reserved by ninniane on Flickr
As the sound of friends
Fills the afternoon hours
- This might be a reference to Lafayette Square, which has long been a public gathering place for the people of New Orleans.
 Illustration in Ballou's Pictorial, via [1], Public Domain,
Here is a sovereign people
Who build palaces to shelter
Their heads for a night!
- This line originally appeared in Travels in the United States in 1847 by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento of Argentina, when the author was describing a hotel in New Orleans:
"The Saint Charles, which lifted its proud head above the surrounding hills and woods, the Saint Charles, which had called up my memory of Saint Peter's in Rome, was no more than a hotel! Here is the sovereign people who build palaces to shelter their heads for a night! Here is the religion which is dedicated to man as man, and here the marvels of art are lavished on the glorification of the masses."
The line was reprinted as an excerpt in Abroad in America: visitors to the new nation, 1776-1914, edited by Marc Pachter and Frances Stevenson Wein and published in 1976. (We can assume that Preiss saw the reprinted quote, rather than the original, because he used another quotation from Abroad in America as a clue in Verse 6.)
St. Charles Hotel, artist not credited [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The hotel Sarmiento was describing was the St. Charles Hotel on St. Charles Street. The hotel is described this way in New Orleans: A Pictorial History, by Leonard Victor Huber:
"The St. Charles was the most admired building in the New Orleans of the 1840s. Named for the street on which it stood, this 350-room caravansary, with its huge barroom adorned with a range of Ionic columns and its stately ballroom above it, became the center of business and social life in the American section of the city. The first St. Charles was surmounted by a cupola and dome 46 feet in diameter, which, with its lantern, rose to a height of 185 feet above street level. The dome of the St. Charles was visible for miles, and guests of the hotel who cared to climb to the colonnade and porch, which supported the dome, could get a fine view of the city and the winding Mississippi. ... Fire, which broke out on January 18, 1851, in the St. Charles's upper stories soon went out of control due to poor fire-fighting equipment and consumed the hotel, the Verandah Hotel across the street, and continued up St. Charles Street all the way to Lafayette Street, destroying fifteen buildings, including Dr. Clapp's Strangers' Church."
The St. Charles Hotel was located on St. Charles Avenue between Common Street and Gravier Street. The location is only one block away from Canal Street. A pedestrian traveling between Lafayette Square and St. Louis Cathedral would pass the site of the St. Charles Hotel along the way. (Lafayette Square is on St. Charles Avenue and the cathedral is on Royal Street. St. Charles Avenue turns into Royal Street when it crosses Canal Street.)
- The St. Charles hotel burned down twice and was rebuilt both times, but it finally met its end in 1978. The April 2015 issue of Preservation in Print described the end of the hotel this way:

Place St. Charles, located at 201 St Charles Ave, is the current structure standing where the St Charles Hotel once stood.
Gnomes admire
Fays delight
The namesakes meeting
Near this site.
- This is possibly both the most perplexing and most important section of the verse. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "namesake" as "one that has the same name as another; especially : one who is named after another or for whom another is named." Note the ambiguity of the ordering. A namesake can be the first thing that had the name or it can be the thing that was named later in honor of the first thing.
If we are looking for the namesakes of gnomes and fays, then we are looking for either:
- the original origins of the words "gnome" and "fay," or
- two things that were named after gnomes and fays.
- If "this site" refers to the Piazza d'Italia, as hypothesized on the Image 7 page, then the nearby place might be the American Italian Museum located next door. There may be a sign or a display that mentions two people whose names sound like "fay" and "gnome."
- Directly south of the Pontchartrain Expressway there are 9 streets named after the classical Greek muses. It's a big stretch to link that to "fays," but there might be a connection in some way.
- Dryades Street and Cours de Naides (now St Charles Avenue) were named after wood and water sprites respectively. They run parallel but originate near Lee Circle (source: The Majesty of St Charles Avenue [book]). More info.
- St. Charles Avenue intersects Lafayette Street at Lafayette Square. One could argue that the name "Lafayette" has a connection to the word "fay" (although Wikipedia says that the name actually comes "from the occitan words la faieta that designate a beech forest"). It's harder to argue that a street named after naiads (Cours de Naides, now St Charles Avenue) could be a namesake for gnomes.
- Ultimately, finding the spot where something named after gnomes meets or intersects something named after fays is likely to be the critical step in solving the New Orleans puzzle.
For anyone who's having trouble keeping track of the New Orleans landmarks referenced in this verse, here's an aerial view with the main features labeled.
- The Superdome (the moon in Image 7).
- Lee Circle and St. Charles Avenue, which together form a shape like the "second hand" on the clock.
- The blocks where St. Mary's Park runs between north and south Diamond streets.
- Lafayette Street, which runs a total of (around) 21 blocks.
- Lafayette Square, where the three statues stand watch and one monument has the boy with outstretched arms.
- Piazza d'Italia, which has the pillars, arches, clock, and concentric circles.
- Place St. Charles, where the Saint Charles Hotel once stood.
- Hotel Monteleone, where the grandfather clock is in the lobby.
- Jackson Square, where there's a black horse with an open mouth.
- Preservation Hall.
- Armstrong Park.

Note that, in a truly bizarre coincidence, St. Mary's Park currently runs into a building with "PRESERVATION" in big letters on the side. It looks like a clue, but it's not, because the Preservation Resource Center only purchased the building in March of 1998. Prior to that, the Preservation Resource Center was located in a row house at 604 Julia St.
Other Notes:
- The quotation from Abroad in America is the strongest piece of evidence tying this to New Orleans.
Verse 02
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