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The Secret (a treasure hunt) / Page10Map.jpg


File history uploaded by Kang 5 years, 12 months ago

Comments (3)

strike13 said

at 11:00 am on May 1, 2018

does one believe the lines drawn on the map correspond to cities where the casks are buried? i ask because....scandia

Kang said

at 1:32 pm on May 1, 2018

Scandia is included because of the stories at the beginning of the book, including the Litany of the Jewels. The Fair Folk who travel to the New Found Land originally come from the lands noted on the map. They include the 12 regions (including a combined Ireland/Scotland) relating to the 12 casques - but also the Elves of Scandia - who crafted the casques. But yes, I believe the other regions correspond to the immigration link for each casque/puzzle. Ex. The Fair Folk listed as coming from Hellas & Crete are Centaurs, Nymphs & Satyrs. Which corresponds to Cleveland, the image for which shows a Centaur and was buried at the Greek Cultural Gardens...

Ironic side note - at first I misread your question and thought it had to do with the place where each line originates. So I checked that area of "Scandia" - and found that line begins about the place where a little village by the name of "Elvegard" sits. Weird...

strike13 said

at 3:01 pm on May 1, 2018

I was curious about an Italy/Scandia connection mainly is where I was headed with that one. I asked about hte lines and if it is believed that they correspond to the location of the cities, as in Scandia line sort of going over to a northeastern city like Boston, also known for the Italian connection w the immigration piece

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